Do we marketers create too much work for buyers?
Let’s simplify marketing. And begin at the beginning.
In Genesis 3, God said:
By the sweat of your face
shall you get bread to eat,
Until you return to the ground,
from which you were taken;
For you are dirt,
and to dirt you shall return.”
Since then, work has only multiplied. What’s shocking is how much of the work people do is totally unnecessary.
Seen through the eyes of buyers, finding and consuming content is work. So why burden buyers with unnecessary work?
As content marketers, our goal is to help before we sell.
Let’s make buyers happy: eliminate unnecessary work!
Great content marketing helps buyers by delivering the most value in the least time. Here are 7 ways marketers can save work for buyers:
- Gather buyers’ top 20 questions to learn which information is most relevant.
- Understand buyers’ pain points and aspirations through buyer persona research.
- Deliver the right information at the right time in the buying journey.
- Hook the audience in 7 seconds with clear, concise, consistent copy. Avoid TMI.
- Offer video and audio to make content easier to absorb.
- Use layman’s terms. Avoid confusing jargon and acronyms.
- Create the minimum amount of content to get the maximum results.
It’s time for marketers to cut out each unnecessary word, sentence, and bit of content.
Let’s simplify marketing.
I’m putting this approach into practice by renaming this blog Simplify Marketing. It will continue to publish each Wednesday.
The Simplify Marketing blog will feature shorter blogs with more links. When you want long-form content, just follow the links.
Next blog: How we marketers create too much work for ourselves.
Enough said!
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