Marketers: Don’t forget to market yourself!
Marketers make their living promoting solutions and services for others. But are you marketing yourself? I come across more and more clients who struggle to market themselves internally.
Marketing yourself internally is important to ensure your leadership team is aware of and understands the results you’re achieving. Marketing yourself is also critical when seeking a new position—internally or externally.
We’re all busy, and it can be tough to take the time to market yourself, but the results are worth it. Marketing yourself can help earn you more respect in your current organization or find a new job.
Here are three tips for marketing yourself:
- Make a personal Message Map.
- Measure results.
- Apply for awards and speaking opportunities.
Make a personal Message Map to help you market yourself
If you’ve read my previous blogs, you know I always recommend making a Message Map for your organization, solution, or service. Message Maps work for people, too. Why? Because right away, instead of telling people what you do, you tell them how you benefit them.
For example, I never tell people I’m a marketing and communications consultant. When people ask me what I do, I respond with, “I help my clients get their stories heard.” It helps me stand out in a sea of millions of consultants.
If you’re a marketing lead generation expert, instead of saying, “I’m an expert in lead generation,” you might say something like, “I increase sales by generating more qualified leads.”
Making and using a Message Map helps you market yourself by clearly stating the benefits of hiring and working with you.
Always measure marketing results
Most marketers report on their marketing results but don’t always use those results for marketing themselves. Monthly or quarterly reports get distributed and are often forgotten as the company looks at how to meet the next quarter’s goals.
Regardless of what your organization asks you to measure, make sure you measure marketing results that will help you promote yourself. Think of what will matter most to your target audience. Instead of website hits, focus on things that truly move the needle for your business. Make sure you track both quantitative and qualitative results.
You can learn more about measuring marketing results in this blog.
Once you’re confident that you’re measuring the right things, use your results for more than just reports to your leadership. Update your resume and your LinkedIn profile with the best results. Keep track of them, as they will be handy when you’re ready to move to your next job or get on the speaking circuit.
Market yourself by applying for awards and speaking opportunities
Have you ever watched someone present at a conference and thought, “I could do that!”?
Speaking at conferences and winning awards are two of the best ways to market yourself. They will help you get more respect at your current job and make a difference when applying for new positions.
Yet marketers are so busy marketing our organizations that we don’t take the time to apply for awards and speaking opportunities. At least twice a year, look at those results you’ve been measuring. What story do they tell that might win you an award or get you a speaking opportunity that others can learn from?
Use your results to create a few award and speaking applications. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t make immediate progress. Ask fellow marketers who’ve won awards and spoken at conferences how they achieved it.
It will probably be well received if you have a good story and put in the time.
Marketing yourself can get lost when you’re busy promoting your organization. Making a personal Message Map, measuring results, and applying for awards can help further your career.
For assistance with marketing, messaging, and other communications needs, email me at
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