6 Traps You Need to Avoid with Your Marketing Message
Avoid these traps with your marketing message. You can learn a lot about strategic messages from other brands, especially brands that put a mess into their message.
As you review brands’ websites, you’re likely to find the mistakes that others make with their marketing messages.
Marketers need to avoid six traps that cause strategic messages to fail. In this blog, we’ll cover trap #1.
Marketing message trap #1: no message
Here’s the first pitfall to avoid: some businesses suppose that they are too small, too plain, or too generic to merit their own strategic message. They choose to have no message because they don’t see the need.
They imagine that customers already know all they need to know about their business, industry, market, people, products, and services.
But the truth is, your audiences will never know as much about these topics as you do.
What’s familiar and every day to you is unfamiliar to them. Your customers don’t have and never will have, all the expertise you take for granted.
Your brand deserves a great strategic message
Why does every brand need a strategic message? Because with your compelling message, you create a win-win situation.
Customers win because they make better choices that answer their question, What’s in it for me?
You win more business as your strategic message spreads and your reputation grows.
If you choose to have no message, you’re hurting your brand. You’re missing a chance to tell a good story.
The lack of a message drives people away
A study of websites shows that websites that lack a message drive people away. The lack of a message is the #1 reason people leave websites.
In this survey, half of the buyers said the lack of a message annoys them, so they click away to other websites, according to the Komarketing B2B Web Usability Report.
As Voltaire said, “One always speaks badly when one has nothing to say.”
Examine Root Causes
When your brand lacks a strategic message, the brand needs to look into the mirror and examine the root causes. They may include:
- Not enough leadership focus on having a compelling strategic message.
- Honest disagreement about what the message should be.
- No one is designated to be responsible for the message.
- Insufficient knowledge, understanding, empathy, or consensus about your audiences’ concerns, problems, and needs.
If there’s no strategic message for your brand today, help your leaders see the need for one. Ask them to put you in charge of the brand’s strategic message.
There’s money in the right marketing message
It’s crucial to get this job done well because there’s money in having the right marketing message for your brand. And a lot of opportunities are lost if you don’t.
Customers are willing to pay more for a brand with a message that’s clear, concise, and consistent.
Your product or service already has objective value. What a great marketing message does is amplify its subjective value, so your brand can charge premium prices.
We help you create the marketing message that’s right for your audience and your brand. Here’s more information on our unique approach, Message Maps.